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Archive for the ‘destiny’ Category

Why You Aren’t Dead Yet (repost)

Posted by happypizza on August 14, 2012

Michael Hyatt, June 11, 2012

Several weeks ago, I had lunch with a friend I hadn’t seen in years. He had just turned eighty years old. His mind was as sharp as ever—witty, inquisitive, and focused. He was also a great listener. When he did speak, wisdom dripped from his lips like honey.

In a point of genuine humility but uncertainty he asked me, “Michael, do you think I have anything left to contribute? Are my best days over?” Tears welled up in his eyes.

I admit, his question caught me off-guard. I thought to myself, Here I am with one of the wisest men I have ever met. He is a living treasure. I would pay for the privilege of sitting at his feet and listening to his stories. And he is asking me whether or not he has anything left to contribute? I was flabbergasted.

I leaned in, grasped his hand with mine, and said, “Jimmy, listen to me carefully: your best days are ahead of you. I am not saying this just because I like you—and I do like you—but because it is the truth. I can prove it to you.”

I then began to make an argument that I first learned in The Noticer by Andy Andrews. In the book, Jones, the personification of wisdom, makes six points to Willow, a seventy-six year old lady, who had given up hope that she had anything left to contribute. (see chapter 6, pp. 83–85).

  1. God has a purpose for every single person.
  2. You won’t die until that purpose is fulfilled.
  3. If you are still alive, then you haven’t completed what you were put on earth to do.
  4. If you haven’t completed what you were put on earth to do, then your very purpose hasn’t been fulfilled.
  5. If your purpose hasn’t been fulfilled, then the most important part of your life is still ahead.
  6. You have yet to make your most important contribution.

Jones goes on to say, “If the most important part of your life is ahead of you, then even during the worst times, one can be assured that there is more laughter ahead, more success to look forward to, more children to teach and help, more friends to touch and influence. There is proof of hope … for more.” (p. 85)

My friend, Jimmy, sat back in his chair and was silent for a full minute. I could tell he was taking it all in. Finally, he said, “Then I better get busy. It sounds like I have a lot of work to do.”

You may be old. You may be sick. You may be divorced. Your kids may not be speaking to you. You may be out of work. You may be broke. You may be discouraged.

But you’re not dead yet. And that’s proof that you still have not completed what you were put on earth to do.

Picture of tombstones

Posted in adversity, death, destiny, difficulties, discouraged, divine, Eternal, failure, faith, God, holding on, hope, hopeless, life, purpose, setback, setbacks, Storms of life, suffering, tear, tears | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Discover That Problem and Solve It

Posted by happypizza on December 4, 2009

How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose

It was Mike Murdock who said, “Everything created solves a problem.”  Your eyes see; your ears hear; your nose smells.

Everything Created Solves a Problem

Your watch solves a problem, it tells you the time, your shirt solves a problem, your shoes solve a problem, the carpet solves a problem, the windows solve a problem.  “Everything created, solves a problem.”

It has been my observation that everyone created, solves a problem, doctors solve medical problems, accountants solve financial problems, lawyers solve legal problems, psychologists solve mental problems.

‘There’s a specific problem that you were created to solve; your success will only exist if you discover that problem and solve it.  Finding this problem is discovering your purpose, solving this problem is accomplishing your purpose.’

Excerpts from an article written by Mr. Self Development on his blog.

Posted in destiny, life, problem, purpose, reason, why | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Different, With a Purpose

Posted by happypizza on November 8, 2009

..In all the ages there never has been and never will be a man or woman just like you. You are unique and have no double. No two leaves, no two jewels, no two stars, no two lives are alike. Every life is a fresh thought from God to the world. There’s no one in the entire world who can do your work as well as you. There is a need for you. God has a plan for you. And if you don’t find and enter into God’s purpose for your life, there will be something missing from the glory that would otherwise have been there. Every jewel gleams with its own radiance, every flower distills its own fragrance, every believer has his own particular bit of Jesus’ radiance. Has God given you a different personality? He has also created a particular circle of individuals who can be reached and touched by that personality only, and you can do it as none other in all the world.

–Virgina Brandt

Posted in alone, beautiful, destiny, divine spark, encouragement, happy pizza, holding on, hope, lonely, optimism, positive | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

You, Me and Dupree

Posted by happypizza on August 9, 2007


What an interesting film. Just watched it on my home theater. Was expecting it to be a lot more humorous especially with one of my favorite comedians in it–Owen Wilson. That lovable looser with the broken nose, 100 dollar smile, crazy-loser, cocky-funny, womanizer, and all round nice guy.

What I really liked about the film most, was Dupree’s (Owen Wilson) speech to the children on “career day”, especially when he didn’t have a job. It conveyed a very nice message which I found strangely relatable. Some of you readers might understand.

Sometimes I get the feeling that in a way, I too still seem to be waiting for that “mothership”! When I’ll know my purpose or thing that I’ll really do well and what will be of greatest use to others and the world.

On the other hand maybe God just wants me to keep plugging away with what He has given or gifted me with even if it doesn’t seem like much, putting the pieces of my life together–like a jigsaw puzzle without the picture. Slowly but surely, piece by piece in the end I’ll see the masterpiece he had intended for my life all along.

Here is Dupree’s (Owen Wilson) “career day speech” which I transcribed  from the movie: You, Me and Dupree:

Hey, how are you? First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come talk to you all on career day. Now, I’m not Mr. Carl Peterson and I don’t have a career per se. I guess you could say my career is living and loving and I do that to the utmost.

I see all you fresh faced “kidlets” sitting there in your neat little rows and you’re all just pods. Pods waiting for your instructions. Now some of you are gonna get zapped right away and be 15 year old prodigies, little midget Olympic gymnasts with their pictures on cereal boxes. Some of you will go on to college and you will find your rhythm there and then go chase down the titans of industry or maybe straighten out our problems at the UN.

But some of you…and this is the group that no one ever comes into career day and addresses, and it’s criminal (not too)…some of you, are just going to float along.–Eating spicy foods, humming black people’s music into your thirties—well into your thirties….languishing. This group of pods is going to do a lot of languishing and you’re going to take some heat for it…sadly, you will. Europe is a little easier, it seemed to understand a little better, so did South America. I went to Argentina one time and everyone just seemed to be sitting around and it was beautiful.

But that’s ok! Stay loose, stay liquid, laugh a lot–but be ready! That’s what Dupree is doing in his life’s little pod–staying nimble, until I get the call from the mothership. Then I bite. Then you’ll see Dupree coming in here throwing seven different kinds of smoke. Boom, bam!

(long pause, awkward)

…That’s fine, pods that were supposed to hear this, did, and it will kick in when it needs too. I’m done here.

What is your life’s purpose? (Link)

Posted in destiny, happy, mothership, owen wilson, you me and dupree | Tagged: , , , , | 6 Comments »