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THE WORLD KNOWS ENOUGH HELL! Let’s show a little more Heaven

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Archive for the ‘devestating’ Category

Lonely At Christmas?

Posted by happypizza on December 4, 2009

“Make the world a little less lonely on Christmas by being there for someone who is alone.”

Excerpts below, taken from an article “Looking for Christmas” written by Nyx Martinez for Activated Magazine.

…several years ago, Christmas didn’t bring the same good feelings for me. Maybe that was because I was a 20-year-old single girl who was craving a different kind of love that Christmas. I wanted someone to share it with, someone to love. That didn’t happen. Instead, I faced a string of personal problems and a lot of turmoil. I was spending Christmas near the equator, and my heart felt wintry cold.

…Then came Christmas Day. Kelly, one of my best, wackiest friends, phoned in tears. She had tried to reconcile with her boyfriend the night before, but was rejected—turned away on Christmas Eve. It was the saddest story I had heard in a long time. I tried to comfort her, but my own disappointed hopes were too strong, it seemed. What could I say? Together, we prayed over the phone, committing to God our hearts’ desires and expectations.

As I listened to Kelly thanking God despite her tears, I felt ashamed of my selfishness. Maybe true Christmas love was there all along, and I just hadn’t noticed. Had I missed it? I had been looking for happiness in a person—someone to fill my need for love. But instead, I had found so many also looking for something real—they were the lonely, the poor in spirit, the outcast, the forgotten, the dejected. It dawned on me: That’s what God’s love is really for, isn’t it? It loves the unlovely, enters a world of disappointment, and brings hope.

That December taught me that the spirit of Christmas is alive for everyone, and those who don’t see it are people like me who look in all the wrong places. Yet some folks look in the right places, with open hearts, and they do find that treasure.

Joseph and Mary were looking for a decent inn; they found an animal stable.

The Wise Men were looking for a king’s royal palace; they found a carpenter’s simple abode.

The angels were looking for people to spread the glad tidings of the newborn Savior; they found humble shepherds.

God was looking for someone to bring heaven’s love to, and He looked in the right place. He found you.

I hope that this time, we will also look in the right place and find those to bring His love to. I hope that each year we will all find Christmas.

© 2009 Aurora Production AG
All Rights Reserved

Other Article of Interest: Loneliness spreads in social networks

Posted in alone, cheer, Christmas, despair, devestating, difficulties, encouragement, friend, God's love, happiness, happy, heartbreak, hope, lonely, love, Rejection, sad, Unrequited love | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Can You Tell Me Why Disasters?

Posted by happypizza on May 20, 2008

Happypizza: My deepest and sincerest prayers and condolences go out to all those who lost loved ones and/or suffered harm, injury or any kind of loss during the recent cyclone in Myanmar and/or earthquake in China.

Why Disasters? Why Does God Allow Disasters? Natural Disasters? Earthquake Cyclone

I’ve been following the news of the two recent natural (or as some say “unnatural”) disasters in both Burma and China, which tragically resulted in the loss of an untold thousands of lives. It is so sad and sobering to watch as the full scope of the desolation unfolds before our eyes.

It’s real to me as I’ve been to Burma and have friends in both China and Burma—who thankfully are safe.

I will not get into the politics of the disaster, especially considering the one in Burma where the horror of the disaster is compounded by the political situation, but I do want to write about the perceived “God factor” of these events or “acts of God” as natural disasters are often referred too. Especially the question: How could and why does God allow these things to happen?

It seems that natural disasters naturally cause many to lose hope and faith in God and I don’t want to judge why, having never personally experience a disaster and/or lost loved ones tragically and unexpectedly. However, when I hear the news of some major calamity I find it can strangely enough, strengthens my faith and hope in God!

You might wonder how I find a natural disaster to be faith-building? Well, first off it’s helpful to start with a belief in a God or Creating force of Love and a belief in an afterlife of love. This life is definitely (and I want to emphasize this point) definitely not the end!!! The more we hear from people who have died and come back, claiming to have had a Near Death Experiences, the more we learn of the true beauty and scope of love and life after this earthly existence. No pain, no fear, and overwhelming unconditional love and light, especially if one tried to live in love here in this life.

I believe that death for the loving is not something to dread and fear. This physical life/existence is not the final story and we can look forward to an eternal life/existence beyond this life! So I feel no matter how tragic the circumstances are in our current physical reality, those who who have passed on to the next are in a better place. In the loving hands of their Creator and what better place can you be then that? I know my thoughts are simplistic and a huge disaster is a lot more complicated then any one person can fully understand. Each persons life, experiences and circumstance are also different. There is often great horror, pain and difficulties faced by the ones left behind and this is something I don’t fully understand or have an explanation for.  But when I hear about a huge amount of people suddenly losing there lives in a natural calamity, I often wonder if they’re better off. Especially in cases where the people lived in extreme poverty, difficult conditions and pain. Maybe it was the Creator’s mercy?

For a compilation on comfort read here:

“God’s Promises of Comfort and Deliverance”

One addition–not long after I watched a report of both the disasters on the international news, I came across and listened to a old song titled “Can You Tell Me Why Disasters” written and sung by “Zac Lightman”. Below are the lyrics. I think the song’s message is as hauntingly applicable for today as it was when it was written over 20 years ago.

Here are the lyrics:

Can You Tell Me Why Disasters?

Why do the innocent seem to fall for no reason?
They say the good die young,
While the guilty go along
You must believe in Love
to truly understand.

It is the same question down through the ages,
If God is love how could he let this be?
How could he allow the poor to suffer
and then let the guilty go free?

Although death is not a curse for the loving,
it’s a gateway from suffering and pain.
It’s the mercy of God to end their sorrow
and a chance to start over again

Can you tell me why, why, why disasters?
Why do the innocent seem to fall for no reason?
They say the good die young
while the guilty go along
You must believe in Love
to truly understand

Lyrics by Zac Waxman

Please continue to keep the victims of these disasters in your prayers. Pray that help, relief and supplies will get to those who need it desperately and that those who survived will be taken care of and comforted. Please also pray for the commendable and laudable efforts of all those involved in the relief and rehabilitation work–for their strength, courage, skill, and protection while they are helping those who were affected.

Posted in despair, devestating, God, God is fair, God mistake, happy pizza, heartbreak, heaven, hope, hopeful, hopeless, Jesus, Jesus Love, love, positive, sad, sadness, Storm, Storms of life, Trust | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments »